Direct to an emergency department for:
- Present, or suspected, acute iliofemoral or supra-inguinal deep vein thrombosis
- Present or suspected acute axillary or subclavian vein thrombosis.
Criteria for referral to public hospital specialist clinic services
- Post thrombotic syndrome
- Symptomatic chronic iliofemoral venous obstruction
- Iliac vein compression syndrome (May-Thurner syndrome).
Information to be included in the referral
Information that must be provided:
- History of deep vein thrombosis
- Symptoms
- History of previous surgery.
Provide if available:
- Current and previous imaging results
- Thrombophilia testing.
Additional comments
The Summary and referral information lists the information that should be included in a referral request.
Other types of deep vein thrombosis and patients with chronic venous insufficiency require medical rather than surgical management.
Where appropriate and available the referral may be directed to an alternative specialist clinic or service.
Referral to a public hospital is not appropriate for
Not applicable.