
Direct to an emergency department for:

  • Sepsis or acutely unwell due to infection
  • Critical lower limb ischaemia with necrosis, pain or ulceration
  • Suspected acute limb ischaemia
  • Rapidly deteriorating ulceration or necrosis.

Criteria for referral to public hospital specialist clinic services

  • Non-healing ulceration present for more than one month with no reduction in size despite medical management
  • Chronic ischaemic signs and symptoms with ulceration
  • Excessively painful ulcers.

Information to be included in the referral

Information that must be provided:

  • Current medication list including any antibiotics
  • Wound history and location
  • Current management, including the dressings being used
  • Recent wound swabs
  • Recent vascular imaging.

Provide if available:

  • Medical history
  • Recent pathology tests
  • X-rays or other imaging
  • Current podiatry treatment.

Additional comments

The Summary and referral information lists the information that should be included in a referral request.

Referrals should only be directed to a vascular specialist clinic if a lower leg ulcer service is not available.

Where appropriate and available the referral may be directed to an alternative specialist clinic or service.

Referral to a public hospital is not appropriate for

Not applicable.