
Direct to an emergency department that can provide a gynaecology assessment:

  • Acute, severe pelvic or abdominal pain
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • Suspected torsion of ovary
  • Suspected pelvic sepsis
  • If the woman is haemodynamically unstable.

Criteria for referral to public hospital specialist clinic services

  • Suspected malignancy identified on clinical examination or imaging
  • Pre-menopausal complex ovarian cyst, suspected endometrioma, or dermoid
  • Persistent and enlarging ovarian cyst confirmed with imaging performed at least three months apart
  • Symptomatic hydrosalpinx.

Information to be included in the referral

Information that must be provided

  • Past medical history including pain and other symptoms
  • Family history of breast and ovarian cancer
  • Imaging results
  • Cancer antigen 125 (CA 125) results if the woman is being referred for suspected malignancy or post-menopausal ovarian cyst.

Provide if available

Not applicable.

Additional comments

The Summary and referral information lists the information that should be included in a referral request.

Where appropriate and available the referral may be directed to an alternative specialist clinic or service.

Referral to a public hospital is not appropriate for

Not applicable.